A few pictures from Christmas vacation in Utah--one of my favorite Christmases I can remember. I have a feeling that now that Hank is here, I'll be saying about all of them to come.
Hank was thrilled with his new pouf (thanks Aunt Lacey!), his very cheap reindeer sippy cup filled with CHOCOLATE MILK for the very first time. You can see Rody in the background.
Hank grabbed his Dad's wallet downstairs before we saw what Santa brought. It took him a few minutes to let it go.
His cousins showed him how to ride.
Seeing his reindeer sippy for the first time. He tried all the ears and antlers to see if chocolate milk would come out of those too.
Once he got his teddy grahams out of his stocking, Christmas gifts didn't matter for awhile.
Mandy and Kevin are awesome aunts and uncles.
You can't see it very well, so we'll have to take more pictures soon, but Hank got the cutest BYU sweatshirt from his Grandma and Grandpa Madson.
New Year's Eve dance party. I love this picture so much.
More to come with gingerbread house contest and Jerusalem dinner pictures!
More to come with gingerbread house contest and Jerusalem dinner pictures!