Monday, July 27, 2009


This summer hasn't been all play. A tiniest portion has been dedicated to work. I just finished clearing out our family library, which includes not just books, but movies, journals, audio books, violin music, piano music, strings for instruments, manuals, vases, pictures, a large number of fake plants in baskets, and a collection of magazines dating back to the seventies. Phew! The thing is, I could have finished a long time ago if I didn't have the need to sit down with every book and re-read it. Now that I think about it, I was probably the worst person for the job.

Anyway, my favorite thing about this project was seeing all the books that have been ripped into four or five sections due to hard wear. Beverly Cleary paperbacks just don't stand a chance when four daughters read them over and over through the years. I found six pieces of Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone. Pride and Prejudice was missing its cover and back cover, and I found the Babysitters club book that I spilled tomato soup on when I was nine. What's the moral of the story? Maybe invest in hardcovers. I don't know. But I'm glad I come from a family of big readers, even if it meant that I had to search through piles of rubble just to find the missing middle section of Harriet the Spy. I probably should have been cleaning anyway. :)


  1. harriet the spy...... i LOVED that book

  2. Thank you, Thank you Thank you!!!!

  3. You should make new covers! I miss you.

  4. I still don't know how some BSC's end..I could never find the last pages of the Mary Ann and Logan stay together??!!

  5. Aww.. I really really like this post. We have some books that are WASTED, but a lot of them were from D.I to begin with. And I'm glad you're doing that job because I didn't want to.
