Monday, September 19, 2011

Harrison's Nursery

Hey blog world, remember me? I've had a busy summer but it's time for my semi-annual visit back in this space to fill you in on what we've been doing. It's pretty clear from this post that Christopher and I are having a baby boy, due ANY DAY and we are so excited. Sorry if this kind of thing is totally boring to some of you, but hopefully in our next post we'll have more exciting news to report! I've never had so much fun putting a room together.

We got our crib, dresser, and chair from Walmart. I have never been a fan, but they had so many great choices! The gray crib is one of my favorite things. The rocker is really comfortable, and was inexpensive enough that when Harrison spits up or colors on it with a sharpie, we won't be heartbroken. :)

Here is a close-up of the quilt I made for him this summer. My sister Jessica and I made matching quilt tops together and I loved working on a project with her. The quilt is really light and will be perfect for humid North Carolina.

My favorite thing in the entire room--Christopher made the little triceratops family when he was in first grade, and his mom protected them for years. I love them. He scratched CJ and '88 on the foot of each one. We bought a shallow old fruit crate to use as a shelf and the details on the sides are really cool.

His alphabet poster--I found it on Etsy for $12 and I love it, but an alphabet poster was the toughest thing for me to choose! There are way too many awesome choices out there!

I made a really simple mobile that I'm not 100 percent sure I love yet. I might change it up after a while. His dinosaur banner was the first thing I made for him.

I made the orange pillow out of left-over fabric from his quilt. His little book basket is waiting for him--it already has his nickname scribbled on the chalkboard. Hank, we can't wait for you to come!


  1. So cute! I am so excited for you guys! I am little Harrison is going to be gorgeous!

  2. on man miss! I LOVE IT!!! Can't wait to see it in person. And see him. And you. Hurray!

  3. Hey Melissa!! Remember me!? Anyway... I still blog stalk you... CONGRATS on being pregnant! I didn't even know, but I LOVE the nursery! I can't wait to see baby pictures!! Enjoy that newborn... they change SO fast! :)

  4. Little Hank is one lucky boy to have such a nursey and such a mom and dad waiting for him.

  5. It's gonna be perfect for him! He'll love dinos as much as his dad, with a room like that. Perfect

  6. Yea! I love it! Melissa you should be an interior designer.
