Sunday, March 25, 2012

Park Day and Hank's Little Red Bowl

He loves this thing--but he needs some new toys, he's been playing with our spatulas and tupperware all week.

First time on the swing--he loved it. I'll have to post some videos of him soon, because he laughed and laughed at the two-year old swinging next to him. So cute.


  1. I love him! And your camera takes such good pictures. It really makes me want to get one. Glad he's putting his little Vespa onesie to good use :)

  2. Wow-I can't believe how big he is! Where has the time gone?! He is so handsome and I still can't believe we haven't even met him! Can we see you guys sometime soon?! The Lamberts are moving here, so maybe ya'll want to jump on the bandwagon and come on over too???
